Get involved is a chance to play a part in the life of someone else who may never be able to repay you, but will never forget your contribution and impact in their life. There are various ways you can be part of this movement for change as listed on this page. Thank you in advance.
Your kind financial support either as a one off donation or a regular monthly support is valued and appreciated. It will make a huge difference in the lives of these children towards fulfilling their potentials in life. Thank you.
Every child has a purpose in life and should not be limited by the inability of their families to give them the opportunity. You can make a difference in a child's life through sponsoring. To find out more, please contact us for details.
It is not equal giving but equal sacrifice. Maybe you have time, care, love or expertise to give. We would like to hear from you as a way of volunteering towards making a difference in the life of a child.